Friday, February 11, 2011

Introduce according to its mother

"Cross-examine again and again to the kid, we just know a recent matter to take place in 201011 beginning of the months."Li Li calls that kid tells me, the old man strips nude their clothes and puts their private partses clearly, the after the event old man gave them several dollars respectively, and threaten to forbid to tell a parent, otherwise the parent will kill them and tell teacher to will be dismissed.
Small beautiful is three victim middle age age is leasts of.Introduce according to its mother, matter hair only 6 first anniversaries, know not a thing to the evil-foreboding dream that takes place on it, after the event only is frightened, cry, "carry on the back this kind of shadow, really don,t know later of growth in how should face."
Father Li Zhen Guo of the victim small Dan said, "old man the son say to invite us three has meal in the big hotel in the city, give again 1000 dollars per house red envelope, and call that the children are still small, the affair makes big, to who also have no advantage."Li Zhen Guo says that Li Shi Yuan is son once thought after the matter hair private the matter, three victims unanimously refused the request, and reported a case to the local police substation on November 23, 2010.

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